Celtic Turtle Symbology
Celtic Turtle Symbology
In Celtic history and lore the turtle is known as the keeper to the doors of the faerie realm. Turtles sense vibrations through water and through their skin and shell, they are amazing survivors; with very good hearing and sense of smell. From "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews, "If turtle has shown up, it is time to get connected to your most primal essence. Go within your shell and come out when your ideas are ready to be expressed. It is time to recognize that there is an abundance out there for you." In the modern story of the tortoise and the hare, the turtle represents patience, tenacity, and longevity. The turtle uses its hard exterior shell as a means to carry the troubles of the world on its back, as well as to protect itself from harm. The turtle is an earth wanderer, grounded, and sure in its footing.
Contest Winner: Tell Us What the Turtle Means To You
We asked you to tell us what Turtle means to you, both here and on our Facebook page, and there were so many interesting and heartfelt stories. The one that captured our hearts the most is by S. Treadwell, whose winning post is this:
"I am a member of the Long Island Unkechaug, a tribe of fisherman who were 'the turtle clan' and saw the turtle in our native lore as the bedrock under the oceans that created the continents that we live on. The "mother earth" to many is the back of a massive sea turtle, with the dirt and ground being what she pulled up from the depths of the ocean so we could live. It is a powerful, spiritual, and very significant symbol in Native american lore, especially to my tribe."
To me, the turtle will always be associated with my favorite fantasy series, Discworld. The Discworld is a flat world that travels through space on the back of four elephants balanced on the back of an enormous turtle. This fantasy
world was based on world myths from many countries.
One of my oldest and closest friends once went by the epithet “Turtle”. Like the characteristics the Celts associate with the turtle, my friend is quite sensitive to his environment and is truly a survivor having endured many years with chronic health issues.
The turtle for me means many things but mostly patience, persistance, and strength. I always remember the childhood tale of the turtle and the hare and it helps keep me on task and in focus of my goal. Fascinating creatures of the Earth!
The Turtle is strength and persistence, it unites earth and water. But like the hard diamond it is brittle; have you heard a turtle cry when on its back?
I’m similar to a turtle. The turtle’s hard exterior protects it from harm and I have strong exterior when around others that protects me from being hurt. However, once I am comfortable I express my ideas. I have faced many difficulties, but I am grounded in my faith and beliefs.