featured Samhain And The Tradition of Honoring Our Ancestors – Part II
Samhain has been celebrated as a festival for the dead, spanning three days that begin on October 31. There are many traditions, old and new, for honoring our varied ancestral spirits. We invite you to share your own traditions, or perhaps take one of these elements of celebration and make it your own.
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Samhain And The Tradition of Honoring Our Ancestors – Part I
Bushels of apples, patches of pumpkins and burnished leaves crunching underfoot herald the approach of the Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced “sow-en”), better known by most folks as Halloween. The Gaelic word “samhain” means literally “summer’s end,” and its celebration on October 31 is significant because that date lies exactly between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice.
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