Celtic Wedding Traditions

The Celtic Tradition of The Wedding Bell

The bell has been used since at least medieval times in marking the joining of couples in holy matrimony. They were believed to dispelling negative influences within a space. The sound a bell makes can cut across the flow of energy in a space and create a harmonizing effect. 

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The Celtic Tradition of Throwing Rice At A Wedding

The Celtic wedding tradition of throwing rice on the newlyweds is extremely old and predates Christianity. The Celts were not only warriors, but also agriculturalists. Celts were farming various forms of wheat, barleycorn, and even oats, rye and millet which seem to have been introduced during the Iron Age. All of these may have been used as blessing foods for such ceremonial...

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The Tradition Of Handfasting

These days, contemporary Celts, neo-pagans and others interested in alternative marriage ceremonies have adopted the tradition of handfasting, which involves binding the hands of the couple with ribbon or cord in a public to symbolize marriage vows. 

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The Wedding Coin

In this old tradition, which originally seems to have its influences from both Romanization and possibly Brehon Law, the Groom presents his wife with a solid silver or gold coin as a token of their coming together. The gift is to show his willingness to provide for her, protect her and care for her. 

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The Oathing Stone: An Ancient Celtic Wedding Tradition

One of the origins of the wedding vow in Celtic tradition is the oathing the stone. This ancient ceremony is rooted deeply in the Celtic tribal traditions. To understand why it was so important, you have to know a little bit about the Celtic world view. 

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The Irish Wedding Tradition of the Lucky Horse Shoe

On the day of the wedding, it is not uncommon among Celtic brides to sow a horseshoe into the hem of a dress. Grandmother did it, and so did her mother. It is said that this act brings good luck. Horseshoes have always been associated with good luck, right? However, the real reason for this custom goes far beyond luck.

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The Final Word On Celtic Wedding Cakes

The tradition of wedding cakes began not with the Celts, but with their foes, the Romans. Back then, the groom took a loaf of bread and cracked it over the bride’s head. The symbolism in this lovely gesture was to show she was owned. 

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