Collette Chamberlain, Silversmith
Collette joined Reflective Jewelry in 2008. She's been with our company longer than everyone except the owners. She is a jeweler, designer, does graphic design, photography, loads images on our websites and even backs up our sales staff in the gallery and on the phones. Collette holds a second degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, studies Hapkido and other forms. She likes playing the piano, working in her yard and painting. She also enjoys making beaded jewelry. She has several designs in our current line. She is married, with two kids and a cat and has lived here in Santa Fe for the last 26 years. Collette holds a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree, and has a great eye for color, perspective, and detail.

Paulina Ramirez, Artisan Metalsmith
Paulina Ramirez is an international jewelry designer, having studied art in a wide range of cultural milieus. She was born in Santiago, Chile, where she worked at a young age under the tutelage of some of the most famous Chilean jewelers, developing a reputation for refined and exquisite metal work. In her older designs, you can still see the influence of the Spanish and tribal art forms of her lineage; a neo-techno fusion of craftsmanship where even the most outlandish and contemporary forms can be traced back to the influences of her specific native terra firma. Paulina is married with three sons and has wide variety of avant garde, bohemian interests, from politics and art to poetry and music, installation sculpture and photography. At the end of 2013, after ten years, she left Reflective Jewelry to pursue a new career teaching yoga and Ayurvedic medicine. Any design stamped with ‘P’ was made by Paulina.

Michelle Talley, Artisan Metalsmith
Michelle Montman became a member of our crack smithing team in the summer of 2009. A talented designer in her own right, Michelle has a wide and varied repertoire of experience in the realm of jewelry making. Michelle has been making and designing jewelry for 15 years. “I love everything about making jewelry.” Michelle says when asked about her work. She brings her love of the process and her eye for stones to her designs. Michelle is also an excellent wax carver. Along with the designs shown here that Michelle has done for Reflective Jewelry, she makes her own one of a kind pieces that she sells at local fairs. Michelle enjoys light banter and witty repartee. She also enjoys creating interesting and unique designs, some of which are featured in our Carousel Bead line of collectible beads, and in our New Designs. She enjoys spending time with her man-eating dog, Josie, who will just as soon lick you as look at you. With her animals in tow, Michelle loves to explore uncharted territory.

Gloria Vigil, Artisan Metalsmith
Gloria Vigil was born in Santa Fe. She has deep roots in New Mexico, and many members of her family are artistic and musical. As a child she was particularly fascinated with her uncle, a welder. She thought it would be cool to work with a torch, bending metal. In high school she took a few jewelry making courses, and afterwards began working for established Santa Fe jewelers, where she learned the trade. She started working at Reflective Jewelry in 1999, and continued on until 2011. She rejoined the company in 2013. Pieces that have a second letter in their SKU of “G” are designed by Gloria, who draws inspirations from songs, books, pictures and landscapes. “Working here doesn’t feel like a job,” she says. “I really enjoy making things, the focus, working with fire and learning every aspect of being a jeweler. It keeps me in balance.”

Helen Chantler, Creative Director & Co-Founder
From an early age, traveling the world, I saw how art, craft and creativity brought beauty into everyday life. Beauty, for me, is a blessing that reminds us there is something greater than ourselves. I like how jewelry can range from the legendary to the personal and intimate. The relationship to a particular piece can sometimes span generations because jewelry marks occasions, holds memories and anchors commitments. I especially like using gems, a truly incredible gift from Mother Nature—-each one with its own personality that can add so much to the designing process. When I moved in 1986 to Santa Fe, New Mexico, I saw how indigenous roots are important. Remembering the ancient Celtic stories and legends I grew up with in the UK brought me back to my tribal ancestry. Celtic design comes out of reverence for the earth and generations of tribal tradition. From this place, I have tried to bring contemporary style to motifs that are ancient and meaningful. I view my business as a community that must benefit human communities without harming ecosystems. In context to our sourcing and manufacturing, having high standards for human rights and the environment has been a priority, which is why I am pleased we work with 100% recycled metals, as well as the most ethically-sourced gemstones available. In 2015, we became the first certified Fairtrade Gold jeweler in the US. Any design stamped with ‘H’ was made by Helen.

Marc Choyt, Co-Founder
I work in developing our websites, strategic planning which happens with Helen at all hours of the day and night, photography, catalog, marketing, some sales and product development. I also focus on our supply chain, seeking ways to create jewelry that has exceptional environmental and ethical sourcing standards. We’re constantly seeking innovative practices in order to lessen our environmental footprint. In September, 2008 we switched to 100% recycled precious metal with all our production. And in 2011, we were among the first companies in North America to offer many of our products in fair trade gold. I am a co-founder and Director of Fair Jewelry Action, an environmental justice and human rights network working in support of traceability and transparent sourcing within the jewelry sector. I am passionate about working within a business model that uses the circle, altruism and integrity as a foundation for profitability. I have a long-standing passion for travel, wilderness hiking, story/myth, history, Jungian psychology, literature, the Classics, and Eastern and indigenous wisdom traditions. I have just finished a book on circle-based approaches to business, which I am hoping to publish soon.

Cinema Jones, Production Coordinator
Cinema processes orders for our jewelers, receives jewelry, does quality control and ships to customers. She also manages inventory (we have over 3000 inventory pieces) and places orders with vendors. She is the person who makes sure we get the parts needed to make a wedding ring or birthday present on time. Cinema has lived in Santa Fe for 17 years, and is actively involved as a volunteer in school activities with her teenage son and daughter. Outside of work she enjoys backpacking and gardening-- she has rafted all over the Western US and Central America. CInema joined Reflective Jewelry in September, 2014, and is perfectly matched for the position. “I like working with pretty shiny objects and the compulsive, tedious, filling in the cracks, multi-tasking part of the job,” Cinema says. “As well as the people here—which can be a crossword puzzle in itself.”

Janet Elk, Communications
Janet followed the Tree of Life to our company in September of 2012, and has been happy to set down roots with us in Santa Fe. She brings to our staff over 30 years experience in graphic design, web development, e-commerce, video production, and marketing/communications savvy. Janet loves finding and telling the stories that touch our hearts and speak to our souls. Her projects weave together the healing qualities of nature, messages from the animal spirits, Celtic wisdom from her own European ancestors, and the many gifts and blessings all around us each day. Janet is grateful for the flexibility of her work day at Reflective Jewelry, which allows her to spend time in the garden, playwith her newly-adopted kitten, and explore the Santa Fe wilderness.

Tasha, Company Dog
My name is Tasha. And I am an artist... Though I was born in a suburb north of Albuquerque in June, 2005, KNOW YE that my ancestors were Wolves and Malamutes. Some day I hope to escape the New Mexico summers and take a Haj (pilgrimage) back to my true home in Siberia. I have been employed at Reflective Jewelry since October, 2005, and have a flawless attendance record. I have two suits: one for summer and one for winter ,and I am not ashamed to leave my winter coat on the floor in June. “My job consists of trying to get people to play. Like Walt Whitman, I am not bashful about my affections. I may be a small dog, but I am big-hearted, and if you visit our gallery, I’ll give you a good French kiss if you let me. (see photo). I like to chew things-- many things, actually. It also brings me joy to whack my paw on my food bowl, flipping it upside down."