Dark of Moon, Bright of Spirit
Many cultures celebrate a kind of Festival of Lights, where rows of lamps are set out to dispel the fear and worry that pervades the human consciousness at these times of celestial darkness. While the Celts observed the solar festivals of solstices and equinoxes, the waxing and waning of the moon was of far greater importance.In fact, the Celtic calendar begins each month with the full moon, and many cycles of nature were tended carefully according to the particular phase of the moon that was underway.
Today’s New Moon is combined with a Solar eclipse, creating a super-energized moon phase that offers a rare opportunity for universal growth and change. Many cultures celebrate a kind of Festival of Lights, where rows of lamps are set out to dispel the fear and worry that pervades the human consciousness at these times of celestial darkness. This time of lighting up millions of lights or lamps expands the radiance of wisdom and love.
The energy of this particular New Moon and eclipse is about the Sun and Moon uniting in Scorpio, which invites us to explore our feelings and emotions around trust. It is a coming together of the masculine and feminine, expressing how we really feel. Revealing feelings is not a weakness, but an incredible strength and gift we offer to ourselves and others.
At this time, it is possible to experience greater willingness and desire to break through old patterns and fears, which is what can start or deepen trust within ourselves and many of our relationships.
The gemstone Garnet can be particularly helpful during this particular moon phase, as they are recognized as having the potential to support and intensify relationships, bringing them to a higher, spiritual level. During times of change, transition and transformation, Garnet provides comfort and relaxation. Â
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