Win Our Shona Pendant
Thanks to everyone that entered our Shona Pendant writing contest...we received many beautiful entries.
The winner is: Cheri Lynn Fry
"This is the perfect symbol of Celtic Heritage...intertwined threads of faith, love, beauty and life creating a sphere that is the Celtic world."
Runners Up:
These five entrants will receive $20 gift certificates good on a purchase at Please send your email address to to claim your prize.
Donna Logan: "The Shona pendant reminds me of life. The paths we choose, the times our choices intersect with others and how happy we can be when surrounded by swirls of energy from loved ones."
Nancy Pernini Mako: "Interlocking pathways which reminds me of how our lives intertwine with so many people who shape who we are and help us along our journey."
Lisa Brightstar Claudedebussy: "The sacred circle, four directions.. Independent we stand as individuals, at the same time we are woven into the intrinsic tapestry of life. Strength comes from the center; of knowing ourselves , our souls, and being well rooted there. Reaching outwards, we add strength to our community, to our friends , all beings… ALL ways individual and all ways a part of the tapestry of life on this sacred planet."
Melanie VanHuss : "To me this piece symbolizes life’s journey. Through many twist and turns, the highest waves and the lowest troughs, throughout the four directions, we strive for balance and harmony within and without, thus guiding us on a spiritual path from darkness to light."
Angel Wench: "Looking at this beautiful pendent gives me a feeling like one has when being many voices thru the centuries that still whisper in the wind that plays along the trees...for the ancestry that comes with that symbol is one i would say most certainly evokes the true feeling of serenity."
When I look at this pendant I see it as being symmetrical. It shows that everything has an opposite. Even though two things seem completely different, they still have a connection. They flow together, mirroring and circling each other, like Yin and Yang.
“Metamorphosis” – The pendant explores a continuous motion of vision into the numerous aspects of one’s personal perspectives. With this in mind, your eyes will flow from all four points with ease, only to experience the subtle dimensions within. Yet the pendant still presents a smoothness and depth associated with the continuous ever changing circles of life.
To me this piece symbolizes life’s journey. Through many twist and turns, the highest waves and the lowest troughs, throughout the four directions, we strive for balance and harmony within and without, thus guiding us on a spiritual path from darkness to light. The name should be “The Aistear Pendant”. Aistear means “journey” in Gaelic. It is all about the aistear.
I see my roots, reaching back into Ireland and Scotland, twisting and turning profoundly through Canada and into the US, always with a purpose, to make me who and what I am today, a crafter of words, of tales, of possibilities from the distant past into the far future, each mirrored in the other.
I see the straight lines as an structed and dreary person, stuck in one place, who blossoms up as an person who travels the world, getting aknowledge of herself, loving the life she lives. The curls where the straight lines turn in.